"The New Elimination Diet."


The New Elimination Diet

The Wellness Compass Initiative is our partner community wellness initative. Each week we write a column for Wellness Compass and we are pleased to share it here on our Living Compass site.

We love inspiring quotes. We value them so highly that we invite participants in our six-week Wellness Circle programs to select and share a quote with their group, one that will serve as a guide or a “compass” for the goals they set for themselves in their circle. Some participants turn their quotes into bookmarks or put them on Post-it notes and stick them in places where they will see them regularly.

In that spirit, today, we are going to share one of the quotes one of our participants shared in a Wellness Circle a few months ago.

Here’s this week’s quote:

“The New Elimination Diet: Remove anger, regret, resentment, guilt, blame, and worry. Then watch your health and life improve.”

Charles Glassman, M.D.

Many approaches to dieting are grounded in shame and self-criticism, something we could never support. This quote, however, speaks of one approach to a diet we can get behind and one we wish to practice for ourselves.

Many of you wrote to us last week and thanked us for focusing on the importance of self-compassion as we set intentions for the new year. The quote above goes along with that way of thinking and invites us to let go of four things that relate directly to practicing self-compassion: regret, resentment, guilt, and blame. For us to eliminate these things does not mean that we don’t or that we shouldn’t feel them. The idea is not to get stuck in them, to let them go over time rather than letting them weigh us down, causing us to suffer one way or another.

The same can be said for anger and worry. There are healthy experiences and expressions of both of these emotions, as well as unhealthy ones. We can usually sense the difference. People often reach out to us when they know their anger or worry is excessive and/or they are feeling consumed by them. This is a healthy move on their part as they know that being unable to let certain emotions go will have a long-term negative effect on their life and health.

Our overall physical health and wellbeing are intricately intertwined with our emotions. It is wise for all of us to identify and practice eliminating emotions that could harm us. When we do this, we can all watch our health and life improve.

Do you have a quote that guides your wellbeing right now or your intentions for the new year? One you might put up on a sticky note and post on your mirror or laptop?

We would love to hear it—so we invite you to share it with us on our Wellness Compass Facebook page, where we also share this column each week.


In addition to this column, there is also an episode of the Wellness Compass podcast based on this column. You can listen in your favorite podcast app and at www.WellnessCompass.org/podcast

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"Grounding Growth in Self-Compassion"


Grounding Growth in Self-Compassion

The Wellness Compass Initiative is our partner community wellness initative. Each week we write a column for Wellness Compass and we are pleased to share it here on our Living Compass site.

Why do you think so many New Year’s resolutions do not last? While acknowledging that there are many reasons that many don’t ever come to fruition, we want to focus on one particular reason we have seen frequently in our experience as family therapists. We believe that most attempts at behavior change fail because they are rooted in self-criticism rather than self-compassion.

Have you ever tried to change someone else’s behavior by constantly criticizing them? Maybe a child or teen? Or a partner, friend, or colleague? How did that work out? Probably not so well. It likely didn’t promote the change you were hoping for, and it likely damaged the relationship and the other person’s self-esteem as well.

This happens, too, when we try to change because we do not like some aspect of ourselves, as then our motivation to change comes through self-criticism. This also rarely works out, and it almost always makes us feel worse instead of making things better. Setting ourselves up to fail with New Year’s resolutions only adds to the cycle of self-criticism.

Our recommendation is to ground any desire for growth and change with a commitment to first increasing self-compassion. Gardners know that before they plant seeds, they must ensure the soil contains the proper nutrients. Good seeds planted in poor soil will not grow well, which is also why if our best intentions to change are rooted in the soil of self-criticism, they will rarely last.

Embrace imperfection. Treat yourself as you would treat a friend. Be gentle and patient with yourself. Practice gratitude. Celebrate all the ways in which you are already “enough.” And if you do want to make a change, be sure the change is an expression of self-care, not self-judgment.

Resolving to nurture greater self-compassion is a good idea for the first few days of January and every other day of the year.


In addition to this column, there is also an episode of the Wellness Compass podcast based on this column. You can listen in your favorite podcast app and at www.WellnessCompass.org/podcast

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Click the button below to signup for the e-mail version of Weekly Words of Wellness. This weekly article can be shared with your community electronically and/or used for group discussion.

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