Wellness Notebook for Adults
The Wellness Compass Notebook for Adults, Notebook for Teens, Notebook for Parents, and Notebook of Activities for Kids are each colorful, downloadable books designed for use individually or in a group.
They are based on our extremely popular The Teen Compass Wellness Notebook used in schools, community centers, hospitals, faith communities, and other places working to promote greater wellness.
Each Notebook will help you identify your values and dreams, and help you better understand and then choose the very things you want to do that will help you navigate your way toward greater well-being. Just as people use a compass to help check their bearings and make sure they are headed in the direction they intend these Notebooks will allow you to pause and check your bearings regarding the choices you are making in your life.
The Notebooks invite readers to explore the eight interconnected areas of the Wellness Compass— Handling Emotions, Healthy Relationships, Vocation (work, school, volunteer), organization, Care for the Body, Stress Resilience, Rest and Play, and Spirituality.