Loosening Your Grip


Loosening Your Grip

Over the years, I have learned many important life lessons from riding a bike.  This past weekend I was reminded of a lesson that I would like to pass along to you.  The point of the lesson has to do with what at first seems like a paradox--something that is entirely counter-intuitive; one can work to be relaxed while stressed. 

Because I'm somewhat of a bike nerd, I love to read biking articles whenever I get a chance.  I read an article recently that provided the basis for the life lesson I learned last week on my bike.  This article said that many riders lose valuable energy during peak exertion, at the same time that they can least afford to lose any power.  The article pointed out that when a rider is straining their legs riding up a steep hill, the rider has a natural tendency to completely tense up their hands, arms, and upper body.  There is a tendency to grab the handlebars with much strength and thus tighten all the muscles in his or her 's arms and shoulders.  This tensing of the upper body does not translate into any increased output for the rider's legs, but rather it has the opposite effect.  Tension in the upper body drains energy from the lower body, where the power is needed most. 

The article went on to say that the art of riding well when a biker's legs are stressed is to keep the upper body relaxed and loose.  When I read this, I was intrigued.  I wondered if it was really possible to be relaxed and stressed at the same time.  I looked forward to trying out the idea, and that's what I did last week.  Sure enough, I naturally did exactly what the article said not to do.  Whenever I came to a hill or tried to accelerate quickly, I found that I immediately tensed my whole upper body--not just my arms and hands, but my teeth as well!  This reaction was automatic each time I exerted myself. 

I remembered the article I had read, and for the remainder of my ride, I tried to practice what I learned.  Each time I found myself straining my legs for either a hill or because I was increasing my speed, I worked hard to keep my hands, arms, and jaw relaxed.  I consciously deepened my breathing and loosened my grip on the handlebars.  I loosened my shoulders and jaw as well.  And guess what?  I could immediately feel a difference.  My legs felt stronger, and most importantly, I felt like I was riding more efficiently. I could truly feel a positive difference.  

I learned that if I consciously took the time to relax my upper body just before I began a steep climb up a hill, the climb was much more manageable. The application of my bike lesson to the rest of my life is perhaps obvious.  We all face stresses and obstacles. Like you, I have plenty of things that can be stressful in my life.  Sometimes the pace of my work gets very stressful.  Sometimes I have to have a stressful conversation with someone I care about.  Sometimes I get stressed worrying about someone I love.  In all of these situations, remembering to take some deep breaths and, at the same time to loosen my need to control the outcome of a situation has a very positive effect on how things go.  

Whenever I know I am about to enter a stressful situation, I always take a moment to take a deep breath and center myself.  It always helps me to approach the situation with greater calm and greater clarity.  In a sense, that's what I was doing on my bike this past weekend. 

I invite you to try this for yourself, whether on your bike or the next time you are about to enter a stressful situation in your life. Relax, loosen your grip, and just keep on pedaling.

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