Thank You for Your Service

Thank you for your service

Thank You for Your Service

Our nation observed Veterans Day this week, and on that day, I witnessed a noticeable shift on my Facebook feed. The political posts diminished, and in their place were streams of photos shared by friends whose loved ones had served our country in military service. 

I love listening to stories of people’s families. So I relished the photos and stories that people shared of their parents, spouses, siblings, grandparents, children, and other friends and relatives who had served or are serving our country, in one capacity or another. All of this brought back many memories and stories of my grandfather and father, both of whom served in World War I and II, respectively. 

Each post that was shared received numerous “likes” and comments. Most of the comments, especially the ones related to people who posted about their own military service, were expressions such as “thank you for your service” or “we are grateful for what you have given for our country.”  

The highlight for me reading these comments was watching people who I know are on opposite ends of the political spectrum expressing their gratitude for and to each other. It was a good reminder that even though there are serious divisions in our nation, there are also values and experiences that transcend those differences and bring us together.

Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away, and so gratitude has been on my mind as well. Reflecting on Thanksgiving and all the expressions of appreciation I was reading for veterans led me to think that “thank you for your service” is not something we have to reserve just for veterans. We can share a word of thanks at any time.

So I said it to a teacher today, one I know who is spending long hours teaching online. And to my dentist, who was there when I recently had an emergency. I also said it to a few pastor friends who work tirelessly to serve their congregations while they cannot currently meet in person. I thanked the people who checked me out at the grocery store today. And when I see them next, I will say it to all the people I know who work in health care and the many mental health therapists I know. 

  Veterans Day and Thanksgiving. Service and gratitude. Two values that I believe are foundational for living well, both personally and communally.

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