Announcing the New Wellness Compass Column & Podcast


Announcing a New Column and A New Podcast

You can find both the new column and new podcast at

I am excited to announce that this column will have a new name, "The Wellness Compass," beginning tomorrow. I am also pleased to announce that I will be launching a new podcast by the same name that will offer a deeper exploration of topics presented in the weekly written column. You will be able to access the podcast through a link in each week's column, as well as in any podcast application you may already be using (Apple, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, etc.) You can search within those podcast apps for "Wellness Compass" and listen and subscribe there. If you don't know what any of that means—don't worry—you can also listen to the podcast each week with the link that will appear in the column. And, of course, you can ignore the podcast altogether and keep reading the weekly column!

I have been writing the Weekly Words of Wellness column since May 2008 and have been honored to see its readership grow over the years. The column now reaches over 10,000 people each week. Thank you so much for being so supportive through these last thirteen years, which has included over 600 columns.

Based on the growth of the column, I will be hosting the new column and podcast on a new website, This will allow the column and podcast to have their own home, rather than trying to fit them into our Living Compass website (the home of our spirituality and wellness resources) or the Samaritan Family Wellness Foundation website (the home of our secular wellness resources).

Because you currently subscribe to the Weekly Words of Wellness column, you will begin to receive the new column, The Wellness Compass, automatically tomorrow. If you decide you don't want to receive the new column each Friday, you are free to unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions found on the bottom of every column.

The people I have shared this idea with have asked me how the new column will be different. The main difference is that it will be written more from my work as a licensed marriage and family therapist and my experience of having conducted over 50,000 hours of individual, couple, and family therapy over the last four decades. Mental health concerns are more pressing than ever these days, and I am honored to be able to share what I have learned (often from the people I have been honored to work with, both personally and professionally, to help us all navigate this journey of life-long wholeness and wellness. In fact, the column's name is based on how often clients would share with me that they felt like their weekly counseling and coaching sessions served as a compass for them, helping them check to their bearings and navigate their personal and family life with more intention.

The new column will also give me a chance to focus more specifically on the Wellness Compass Model for Well-Being, the foundational model that we created that grounds all of our resources. This whole-person model for well-being focuses on eight interconnected areas of wellness: Handling Emotions, Healthy Relationships, Spirituality, Rest & Play, Organization, Vocation (Work/School/Service), Stress Resilience, and Care for the Body. The column and podcast will provide an opportunity for all of us to engage in deeper conversation and awareness of each of these eight areas of wellness and how they interact and interconnect with each other.

I am also excited to share that my wife, Holly Hughes Stoner, will co-write many of the new Wellness Compass columns with me and appear as a regular guest on the podcast. Holly is also a licensed marriage and family therapist with four decades of helping teens, parents, and families, both as a teacher and family therapist. Together we are the Co-Directors of the Samaritan Family Wellness Foundation, the foundation that underwrites all of our work. We are also the co-creators of a variety of Wellness Compass resources, including the Adult Wellness Compass, Teen Wellness Compass, and Parent Wellness Compass materials. Links to all these resources can be found at

Thank you for being a reader of this column. I hope you will enjoy the new column and podcast and that we can continue to walk this journey of wholeness and wellness together. I appreciate your feedback and welcome your ideas for topics you would like to see addressed in future columns. You can reach me at

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