The Gift of Christ: God’s “Holy Yes” to Us


The Gift of Christ:
God’s “Holy Yes” to Us

Christmas Day

Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth
peace among those whom he favors.

Luke 2:14

Christmas blessings to all today as we celebrate the birth of Christ, God’s “holy yes” to us. A priceless gift to assure us all of God’s love and of God’s desire for us to each do our part in creating peace on earth.

We began our Advent journey with Laurie Brock’s reflection, Peace like a River, which helped us gain a deeper understanding of peace. Audrey Scanlan was our guide in helping us to practice making peace with ourselves. Robbin Brent reminded us of the variety of ways we can experience God’s peace and how we are called to be instruments of that peace for others. And finally, Mary Bea Sullivan has inspired us to offer our own “holy yeses” in response to God’s infinite love for us.

I speak for all of those who have worked to create this devotional, especially Robbin Brent and Carolyn Karl, when I say it has been an honor to walk this journey of Advent with you. Our prayer is that we all have experienced a deeper understanding of the peace of Christ, and have also been inspired to work on growing toward being a more intentional instrument of that peace for others.

We would like close with a blessing from the Book of Numbers. While not typically thought of as a Christmas blessing, it perfectly captures the grace that God desires for us this day, and always.

The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.

—Numbers 6:24-26

Check Out Our Advent Podcast

Throughout Advent the Living Compass podcast has two 5-minute episodes each week that expand on our theme of Practicing Peace. You can listen in any podcast app, or by clicking on the button below.