Saying “Yes” to God’s Gift
Christmas Eve
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
-Philippians 4:7
Have you ever had the experience of being hurt by how someone responded to a gift you had given them? Perhaps this person opened your gift, looked at it, realized it was not what they wanted or expected, and then quickly put it aside and never showed interest in it again. If we are honest, we have probably all been on both sides of this gift-exchange scenario. One of the real and often-overlooked blessings and gifts we can give to others is to be a good receiver of the gifts we are given, appreciating the other person’s effort and intent to bring us joy.
Whatever material gifts we may or may not receive this Christmas, we will all be given the most valuable gift of all: the birth of Jesus, the birth of the Word made flesh. As with all gifts, this gift, too, needs to be opened and received with mindfulness and loving attention. To do otherwise would diminish the full potential for the transformation of our lives.
Each day in this devotional we have reflected on the choices we can make to be well and whole and to foster greater peace within ourselves and in the world around us. As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, it is a time to focus not only on these choices, but also on the most crucial one of all: the choice that God has made to become fully incarnate in our lives. Making room in the inn of our hearts to receive this gift from God with gratitude and appreciation is the true foundation for the peace that passes understanding.
Make it Personal: In general, how thoughtful are you about receiving gifts and expressing gratitude for what you are given? It is common to have expectations of how Christmas is supposed to unfold, and then to be disappointed when it doesn’t live up to those expectations. Are you aware of any expectations you have that might get in the way of fully receiving the Peace of Christ this Christmas?