The Stable’s Invitation


The Stable’s Invitation

Simplicity and Letting Go

Reflection By Jan Kwiatkowski

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
Luke 2:7 (KJV)

The holiday season is filled to the brim with cultural and personal ideals of what a good Christmas needs to include, like the perfect tree, unique decorations, unsurpassed presents, delicious food, and harmonious family gatherings. No wonder we can feel so stressed this time of year.

The messiness and humility of the stable stands in stark contrast to our definitions of what makes a “perfect” Christmas. Mary and Joseph loved their unborn child with every fiber of their being and they did all they could so that Jesus could be born in the best possible place in the best possible conditions. Yet they were forced by circumstances beyond their control to let go of their hopes of finding the perfect place in which to welcome their baby, and instead had to settle for a stable.

Despite this setback, they were somehow able to let go and trust that God was present and would provide what was needed. The stark simplicity of the stable became a holy place of letting go.
We all have expectations about Christmas. Yet, like Mary and Joseph, we may find ourselves in a situation where circumstances beyond our control force us to let go of our hopes and dreams, our best-laid plans.

The stable invites us to remember the gift of God’s love being birthed in us whenever we are able to let go of expectations and instead choose to trust. God’s love is always present no matter what life brings.

Making It Personal: Are you facing a situation or circumstance beyond your control right now? What helps you to let go of an outcome and instead trust in God’s loving presence? How might you experience God’s love being birthed anew in you?