Simplicity and Letting Go


Simplicity and Letting Go

Theme for Week Two

Reflection By Scott Stoner

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing! … I am making a way
in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV)

In yesterday’s reflection, Gary Manning wrote about how his experience walking Spain’s Camino de Santiago required him to practice letting go by significantly limiting what he chose to carry on his journey. As we continue our journey through Advent and our focus on simplicity, we discover that our spiritual journey requires that we, too, let go of certain things.

The connection between practicing simplicity and letting go is our theme for this second week of Advent. Each day this week, we will focus on a different aspect of letting go and its relationship to simplicity.

Near the end of his reflection, Gary shared a powerful list of emotions that we would do well to let go of, including guilt, shame, anger, fear, cynicism, and hatred. It would be daunting if we had to depend solely on our own power and efforts in order to let go of these things. But as our friends from 12-Step groups remind us, the key to letting go is to “let go and let God.” When we turn to God for help, we find the spiritual strength we need to face our fears as we work to let go and to embrace simplicity and a new way of living.

This week we will discover that letting go of what no longer serves allows us to walk more simply and freely, whether we are walking the journey of the Camino or the journey of Advent.

Making It Personal: As we begin this week’s focus on simplicity and letting go, what does this theme bring to mind for you? Do you see a spiritual connection between simplicity and letting go? In the list of emotions Gary mentioned that can weigh us down, is there one specific thing you would like to let go of this Advent?