Love Is Waiting to Be Born


Love Is Waiting to Be Born

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

Reflection By Jane Johnson

We are all meant to be mothers of God. God is always needing to be born.
- Meister Eckhart

When I was pregnant with my first child, the popular thing for expectant parents to do was to take Lamaze classes. At these classes we learned how to keep things as simple as possible in order to to breathe, to focus, and to prepare ourselves for the tremendously difficult work of labor. Back in those days (the mid-eighties), “better living through chemistry” wasn’t encouraged during childbirth, so we were counting on our preparation and our breathing to see us through. And we were told to prepare some items to have with us, including a “focus item.” The focus item was something we would look at to help us focus all our energy and strength into the work our minds and hearts and bodies would be doing in order to give birth.

In week four of Advent we hear the story of how Joseph learns he is going to, very unexpectedly, become a father. Many of us, like Joseph, get thrown an unexpected curveball and we have to quickly adjust. And it’s such a good news/bad news situation for him: “Mary’s pregnant! Hooray! But wait, how can that be? What will people think? Of me? Of her? Of this child? Culture tells me to walk away. But this angel, this messenger, tells me that this child is of the Holy Spirit and to name him Jesus, Yeshua—the One who saves. AND … this new life is entrusted to me.”

What an overwhelming prospect! I often wonder if Joseph consulted anyone else. Did Joseph have some trusted advisors who helped him to figure out what to do? I mean, that’s what I do when I get overwhelming information or a request is made of me that seems too big to even really consider. I go to my trusted circle of people, and they help me wade through the details, the fears, and the excitement, so that I can get at the heart of the matter.

For Joseph, and for us, the heart of the matter is the simple promise that “God is with us.” This knowing becomes our “focus item.” The impossible becomes possible because Joseph, and now each one of us, is able to suss out this single core detail: no matter what lies ahead, we will not have to face it alone. God—Love—is about to be born into the world and we all are invited to be a part of it.

“God is with us; Love resides here.” This is the Truth we set our gaze upon so that we can gather up all the strength and energy we’ll need to midwife new life into this tired world. This is hard, hard labor, so Beloved, let us draw strength and courage from our focus. It’s time. Love is waiting to be born.