"Forgiving Ourselves"-- March 10, 2024

(Click the player above to listen to this 6:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe so you get new episodes automatically.

This week Scott focuses on what for some people is the hardest part of forgiveness and that's forgiving ourselves.  

During Lent, Scott is releasing two weekly episodes that focus on the theme of our Lenten booklet, Practicing Forgiveness. If you don't have a booklet, you can receive the daily reflections via email, download a free PDF of the booklet, or purchase an e-book on Amazon for .99 cents. Visit www.livingcompass.org/lent to find out more. 

"Why Forgive?"-- March 6, 2024

(Click the player above to listen to this 6:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe so you get new episodes automatically.

In this episode, Scott continues to discuss the notion that forgiveness is a choice, a decision that we can make alone. He also discusses the many benefits of forgiveness as he reflects on the question, "Why Forgive?" 

During Lent, Scott is releasing two weekly episodes that focus on the theme of our Lenten booklet, Practicing Forgiveness. If you don't have a booklet, you can receive the daily reflections via email, download a free PDF of the booklet, or purchase an e-book on Amazon for .99 cents. Visit www.livingcompass.org/lent to find out more. 

"Forgiveness is a Choice, March 3, 2024"

(Click the player above to listen to this 6:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe so you get new episodes automatically.

In this episode, Scott talks about the idea of forgiveness as a choice. It is a choice that an individual can make without any need for the person they are choosing to forgive to have a part in the process or even know about it. It is important to remember that forgiveness is entirely separate from the process of reconciliation.  

During Lent, Scott is releasing two weekly episodes that focus on the theme of our Lenten booklet, Practicing Forgiveness. If you don't have a booklet, you can receive the daily reflections via email, download a free PDF of the booklet, or purchase an e-book on Amazon for .99 cents. Visit www.livingcompass.org/lent to find out more. 

"Receiving and Releasing," February 28, 2024

(Click the player above to listen to this 6:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe so you get new episodes automatically.

Scott continues to focus on how letting go is an essential ingredient in the practice of forgiveness. He offers an audio version of the prayer practice called "Receive, Release" and talks about how knowing when to release our hurt and anger so that we can forgive is a discernment process that each individual needs to make for themselves, often with the support of prayer, conversations with a clergyperson, a therapist, and/or trusted friends. 

During Lent, Scott is releasing two weekly episodes that focus on the theme of our Lenten booklet, Practicing Forgiveness. If you don't have a booklet, you can receive the daily reflections via email, download a free PDF of the booklet, or purchase an e-book on Amazon for .99 cents. Visit www.livingcompass.org/lent to find out more. 

"Forgiveness and Letting Go," February 25, 2024

(Click the player above to listen to this 6:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe so you get new episodes automatically.

We are entering the second full week of Lent, and continuing our focus is on Practicing Forgiveness. Each week, we focus on a subtheme within the larger theme, and this week, we focus on the connection between Forgiveness and Letting Go. In this episode, Scott talks about the emotional and spiritual growth that comes from knowing when to let go. 

During Lent, Scott is releasing two weekly episodes that focus on the theme of our Lenten booklet, Practicing Forgiveness. If you don't have a booklet, you can receive the daily reflections via email, download a free PDF of the booklet, or purchase an e-book on Amazon for .99 cents. Visit www.livingcompass.org/lent to find out more. 

"The Mindset of Forgiveness," February 21, 2024

(Click the player above to listen to this 6:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe so you get new episodes automatically.

Practicing forgiveness is both the actions we choose, as well as a mindset.  In this episode, Scott tells a story of the time he met Desmond Tutu and how Tutu was a living saint who modeled both the actions and mindset of forgiveness.

During Lent, we are releasing two weekly episodes to focus on the theme of our Lenten booklet, Practicing Forgiveness. If you don't have a booklet, you can receive the daily reflections via email, download a free PDF of the booklet, or purchase an e-book on Amazon for .99 cents. Visit www.livingcompass.org/lent to find out more. 

"Grounding Our Practice of Forgiveness in Our Faith"

(Click the player above to listen to this 6:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe so you get new episodes automatically.

If we try to practice forgiveness simply on the strength of our own best intentions and efforts, we will likely find that our best intentions rarely bear fruit. In this second episode for Lent, Scott talks about the importance of grounding our practice of forgiveness in the deep and nourishing soil of our faith. 

During Lent, we are releasing two weekly episodes to focus on the theme of our Lenten booklet, Practicing Forgiveness. If you don't have a booklet, you can receive the daily reflections via email, download a free PDF of the booklet, or purchase an e-book on Amazon for .99 cents. Visit www.livingcompass.org/lent to find out more. 

"Ash Wednesday, Our Mortality, and Forgiveness"

(Click the player above to listen to this 6:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe so you get new episodes automatically.

In this first episode for the season of Lent and our focus on "Practicing Forgiveness with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind," Scott talks about the connection between confronting our mortality and practicing forgiveness.

During Lent, this podcast will release two weekly episodes focussing on our Lent daily devotional and its theme, "Practicing Forgiveness with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind." You can purchase an ebook of the devotional for .99 cents or sign up for the daily reflections by email for free. There is also a free downloadable PDF of the booklet. Find all of these options at www.LivingCompass.org/Lent

"Contemplative Practices and Wellbeing, Part 2," Ep. 62

(Click the player above to listen to this 5:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe.

This latest podcast episode from Living Compass is part 2 of a series on the connection between "Contemplative Practices & Wellbeing." In this episode, Scott explores how listening is an essential aspect of both.

"Replacing Judgment with Curiosity," Ep. 60

(Click the player above to listen to this 5:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe.

Scott talks about how he has found that when he seeks to replace judgment with curiosity, it helps emotional, relational, and spiritual wellbeing. He also talks about how growning up with a lot of judgment this is an ongoing practice for him.  Practice makes progress, not perfection.

"Nurturing Our Spirituality in the New Year," January 7, 2024, Ep. 59

(Click the player above to listen to this 5:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe.

The New Year is a natural time to reflect on what we want to pay more attention to in our lives. This makes it a perfect time to start or renew a commitment to a spiritual practice. On this episode, Scott talks about the whole-person wellness benefits of nurturing our spirituality.  

"The Wonder of Christmas," December 25, 2023, Ep. 58

(Click the player above to listen to this 5:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe.

Merry Christmas!  In this Christmas episode, Scott tells a story of when he recently experienced the power of Wonder to transcend all differences and divisions.  It is this Love that we celebrate today. 

For the season of Advent, Scott is focussing on the Living Compass theme of "Practicing Wonder with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind." You can read the daily reflections for Advent by clicking HERE.

"Surely the Lord in This Place, December 21, 2023" Ep. 57

(Click the player above to listen to this 5:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe.

For the season of Advent, Scott is focussing on the Living Compass theme of "Practicing Wonder with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind." You can read the daily reflections for Advent by clicking HERE.

Today is the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Many churches offer "Longest Night" services to support those who are grieving this time of year. These services are a reminder of whatever "place" we find ourselves in this year, God is there with us.  

"Thin Places and Wonder in Advent, December 18, 2023"

(Click the player above to listen to this 6:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe.

For the season of Advent, Scott will focus on the Living Compass theme of "Practicing Wonder with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind." You can read the daily reflections for Advent by clicking HERE.

Thin places are those places and experiences where we awake to how close the presence of God is to our lives. It's not that God comes closer to us, but that our veils, masks, and distractions are removed, and we connect more immediately to the Divine presence. Thin places, by definition, are experiences of wonder. 

In this episode, Scott talks about what thin places are for him this time of year and invites listeners to reflect on their own thin places. 

"Saints, Light, and Wonder in Advent, December 15, 2023"

(Click the player above to listen to this 6:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe.

For the season of Advent, Scott will focus on the Living Compass theme of "Practicing Wonder with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind." You can subscribe to the daily email reflection for Advent by visiting https://www.livingcompass.org/advent-signup

In this Advent episode, Scott tells a story from a children's sermon that captured the best definition of a saint ever, and how we are all called to be like the people that the child described as what a saint is.

"Stories of Wonder in Advent, December 11, 2023"

(Click the player above to listen to this 6:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe.

For the season of Advent, Scott will focus on the Living Compass theme of "Practicing Wonder with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind." You can subscribe to the daily email reflection for Advent by visiting https://www.livingcompass.org/advent-signup

Continuing to focus on Wonder in this season of Advent, Scott talks about the connection between stories and wonder. And, of course, he has a story to tell--one from when he was in high school that had a profound and life-changing effect on his faith.

"Whoa and Wonder in Advent, December 7, 2023"

(Click the player above to listen to this 6:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe.

For the season of Advent, Scott will focus on the Living Compass theme of "Practicing Wonder with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind." You can subscribe to the daily email reflection for Advent by visiting https://www.livingcompass.org/advent-signup

Moments of whoa and wonder are all around us. When we have the "eyes to see," we will notice these "God moments" often. In this Advent episode, Scott talks about a few God moments he has experienced recently and invites us to name such moments when we experience them, too.  

"Wonder and Love in Advent"

(Click the player above to listen to this 6:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe.

For the season of Advent, Scott will focus on the Living Compass theme of "Practicing Wonder with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind." You can subscribe to the daily email reflection for Advent by visiting https://www.livingcompass.org/advent-signup

In this episode, Scott talks about the connection between wonder and love.  

"Catching Our Breath," Episode 51

(Click the player above to listen to this 6:00 episode.) You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast app—Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. Search for Living Compass, and be sure to subscribe.

Scott explores the concept of something that "takes our breath away" and talks about how important it is to make time to catch our breath, especially in these difficult times.