Woven Together


Cultivating Faithfulness
Woven Together

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.
- 1 Corinthians 12:12

We often discover life’s deepest truths in ordinary circumstances. Those times when we realize that everything is connected. A morning meditation that leaves us more patient with our family. A kind word from a friend that opens our hearts to God. A time of peaceful silence that reveals connections we hadn’t noticed before.

Faithfulness works this way too. When we practice being faithful in one area of our lives, other areas begin to flourish. The time we spend in prayer might help us listen more attentively to others. Being reliable in our commitments can build trust in our relationships. Taking care of our physical health often creates space for spiritual growth.

The four dimensions we focus on in Living Compass—heart, soul, strength, and mind—remind us that we are whole beings. We don’t need to compartmentalize our faith or try to perfect one area before moving to another. Instead, we can trust that any step toward faithfulness ripples outward, touching all aspects of our lives.

This interconnection is both a comfort and an invitation. A comfort because we don’t have to do everything at once, and an invitation because every small act of faithfulness can contribute to our overall sense of wellness and wholeness.

Making it Personal: Where have you noticed connections between different areas of your life? How has being faithful in one area spontaneously enriched another? What small act of faithfulness could you practice today?

Listen To Our Lent Podcast Episodes

We also invite you to listen to the Living Compass Spirituality and Wellness Podcast hosted by Scott Stoner. This is a year-round, weekly podcast; however, during Lent, there will be two new episodes each week to enrich your experience of our Lenten readings on Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit.

You can listen to the podcast on our website by clicking HERE. You can also find this podcast in your favorite podcast listening app (Apple, Google, Spotify, etc.)—just search for Living Compass Spirituality and Wellness